MIÉRCOLES 27/3 a las 13hs
Sala de reuniones (of 2308 edificio 0+inf) ******
“Extremes, etc”
Dr. Paolo De Luca – Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
In this seminar I will present my past and current research on (hydro)climatic extremes, from my PhD to my current Marie-Curie postdoc at the BSC. I will mainly show peer-reviewed studies aimed at the detection, quantification and future projections of compound extremes (e.g. cyclones-flooding, hot-dry, and drought-flooding) in the reanalysis, observational and future CMIP6 periods, at the global, continental and regional scales. I will also show my latest work on improving multi-decadal climate predictions, of temperature and dry extremes, by constraining decadal variability with observations. The conclusions of these studies will be presented during the seminar along with future research visions.
Dr. Paolo De Luca is currently Marie-Curie postdoctoral fellow at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center where he is investigating decadal to multidecadal predictions of climate extremes. Before joining the BSC he was postdoc at VU Amsterdam and before that he completed a PhD in physical geography in the UK. Since his PhD studies he visited many research institutions around Europe, such as Uppsala University, University of Bergen, Freie Universität Berlin and is now visiting the Universidad de Buenos Aires (CIMA). His research interests are focussed on climate extremes, climate dynamics and terrestrial exoplanets.