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Coloquio // “PREVENIR A project for the development of a flash flood early warning system in Argentina” – Dra. Celeste Saulo – Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi

7 de julio de 2022 / / 13:00 - 14:30

JUEVES 07/07, a las 13hs:
Modo presencial:
Aula 1401, edificio 0+infinito, Ciudad Universitaria
“PREVENIR A project for the development of a flash flood early warning system in Argentina”
Dra. Celeste Saulo – Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi
Servicio Meteorológico Nacional – RIKEN Center for Pioneering Research
Flash floods and particularly those affecting densely populated and vulnerable areas are an increasing source of concern worldwide. Argentina is not an exception since a large part of its population living in large cities is exposed to this risk. PREVENIR is a five-year project starting in 2022 that promotes the cooperation between Japanese and Argentinean research and technical institutions for the development of an early warning system for these high societal impact events. PREVENIR is a SATREPS project resulting from cooperation with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST). PREVENIR contemplates an interdisciplinary approach to the problem of flash floods involving different institutions from Japan and Argentina (the leading institution in Japan is the RIKEN Cluster for Pioneering Research and in Argentina is the National Meteorological Service). In this talk, we will describe the projected activities including an overview of the technologies and approaches that will be developed and implemented as well as a perspective on how this project will contribute to the enhancement of our capabilities for disaster prevention. These technologies include (but are not limited to) the intensive use of Big Data provided by remote sensors, complex numerical dynamical models and efficient information communication systems. We are looking forward to see you at the seminar!
Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi received his B.S. degree (2000) in theoretical physics on nonlinear dynamics from the Kyoto University, and M.S. (2004) and Ph.D. (2005) degrees in meteorology on ensemble data assimilation from the University of Maryland (UMD). Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi started his professional career as a civil servant at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) in 2000. He was a tenure-track Assistant Professor at UMD in 2011. Since 2012, Dr. Miyoshi has been leading the Data Assimilation Research Team in RIKEN Center for Computational Science (R-CCS), working towards advancing the science of data assimilation with a deep commitment to education. Dr. Miyoshi’s scientific achievements include more than 110 peer-reviewed publications and more than 130 invited conference presentations including the Core Science Keynote at the American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (2015). Dr. Miyoshi has been recognized by several prestigious awards such as the Yamamoto-Syono Award by the Meteorological Society of Japan (2008), the Young Scientists’ Prize by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2014), the Japan Geosciences Union Nishida Prize (2015), the Meteorological Society of Japan Award (2016) – the highest award of the society, the Yomiuri Gold Medal Prize (2018), and the Commendation by the Prime Minister for Disaster Prevention (2020).


7 de julio de 2022
13:00 - 14:30