Coloquios del Departamento de Ciencias de la Atmósfera y los Océanos (DCAO)/ Centro de Investigaciones del Mar y la Atmósfera (CIMA)
LUNES 26/08, a las 13h:
Aula 8-DCAO, 2° Piso, Pabellón 2
“Big Data Assimilation: A New Science for Weather Prediction and Beyond”
Dr. Takemasa Miyoshi
RIKEN Center for Computational Science
Data Assimilation was introduced in numerical weather prediction to combine computer model forecasts with real-world observations, using dynamical systems theory and statistical mathematics. Computing, remote sensing, and information/communication technologies are all advancing rapidly, and Data Assimilation is becoming more popular as a means to perform cyber-physical fusion in other sciences and technology fields. At RIKEN, the Japan’s flagship research institute for all sciences, we pioneered future possibilities of numerical weather prediction by taking advantage of the powerful K computer, and Big Data from advanced sensing technologies such as the Phased Array Weather Radar and the Himawari-8 geostationary satellite. We thus developed innovative “Big Data Assimilation” (BDA) technology, and made possible a 30-second-update of severe weather prediction at 100-m resolution, two orders of magnitude higher and faster than what is currently used in operational numerical weather prediction centers. I will talk about the exciting results of our BDA efforts in numerical weather prediction, and give a perspective towards Data Assimilation becoming a new science hub – from severe weather forecasting to many other new important applications.